Daily Bible Study - #10 - Psalm 23:4 - Cast Your Burdens on the LORD God

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22 

“Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.” Psalm 55:22

We learn here how to handle the things that bother us, the burdens that we carry. We learn the way to handle these burdens is to cast them on the LORD. Instead of worrying, doing a lot of things to try to solve them, arguing, complaining, venting to others - we can simply cast them on the LORD. I know, the proud man wants to fix things himself, and not have to have the LORD God do everything for him. I know the conscientious woman wants to be able to handle things, and not bother God with her troubles, but it is clear in Psalm 55:22 that we, the believers in God, are to cast our burdens on Him.

Why should we cast our burdens on the LORD? There is something that He offers us, when we depend on and trust Him enough to cast our burdens on Him. He offers us two things in return in this verse. And these two things are not simple, static things like, cast your burdens on the LORD, and you will get an ice cream. They are broad things that help us overall in our life. He offers to sustain us, and never allow us to be moved.  He will sustain us, this could mean alot of things from providing for our daily needs, to sustaining our success in life and victory in challenges. Also, He offers to never allow us to be moved. This also could mean alot of things. We know from the study of other verses we will never be moved from Him, and from his loving hands. Also it could mean we will not be moved in our faith, we will not be moved in our situation or lose our position, and we will not be moved or lose ground to the enemy.

We praise God the LORD that He will take our burdens. He will sustain us, and never, do you see that part, never, allow us to be moved. We have a loving, merciful God, the strong tower that we run to as righteous believers. He will always and forever sustain us and not allow us to be moved.

We apply this to our lives by allowing God to be more intimate with us. We allow him to know our struggles, our bad habits, the things that bother us, and the problems we face. We ask Him to take our burdens, and we know for sure from His Word that He will take our burdens. He will then sustain us in being strong and courageous in Him, he will sustain our needs, and provide for us. He will never allow us to be moved from Him, and we will be secure in our faith and blessings.

Thank you Father God for this day. I pray that you will know our burdens, be intimate with us, and know us and the things that limit our faith, strength, and courage in You. Please take these burdens, the ones we know, and the ones we don't from us. Allow us to lose our self reliance, and be more at one with You. Allow us to experience your Glory and Righteousness, Your Love and Mercy by allowing you to be in us, with us, and by our side. Wash us clean of these burdens, allow us to be bright lights of You in this world. Replace our burdens with strength and courage. Sustain us and never allow us to be moved, because we give our burdens to you, right this minute, and always.  I pray You will hear the prayers of Your believers. I pray that you will give us guidance, faith, love, mercy, strength, courage, success, and victory - today and everyday. I pray you will heal us completely, and remind us that we will not be victim of disease that plague others. Thank You for all the things You do for us! God Bless you and shalom my brothers and sisters in God and Jesus Christ.

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