Daily Bible Study - #8 - Review of Last 7 Days Bible Studies

Daily Bible Study - #8 - Review of Last 7 Days Bible Studies

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

Today I review the verses studied over the last 7 days, the last 7 studies. I will begin with the important things that I have learned over these days. I learned from Joshua 1:9 to remember that God is with me wherever I go. Most people remember, "Be strong and Courageous" from this verse. 

I learned that God is with me everywhere, and that made me realize that God is with me even if I am doing good or doing something not so good. This was important for me to think on, and also I feel, from this, that I believe the LORD God is Loving and Merciful to me. It has been a long time since I have realized how close God is, and how intimately he knows me. He knows my good and my bad. As my mother would remind me, He knows me so well He even has everyone of my hairs numbered (from Scripture Matthew 10:30 and Luke 12:7, and no I don't have that memorized, I am thankful that I can find quickly using the Internet.). God is with us wherever we go, and that does not cause me fear. That causes me joy. I admit i t may cause me embarrassment at some of the things God knows about me, but I also know God's Love and Mercy is great. I know that I alone am not righteous, but with God and Jesus Christ I am accepted. I know He sees me and cares for me, and accepts me.

Next, I studied Proverbs 3:5. I learned here to trust in the LORD. I learned that I need to trust in the LORD and know that I am in the LORD.  I may not be good enough, but He constantly reminds us in this scripture, and many others. I can trust the Creator, the Almighty God, and he is in me. He knows my good and bad things. He is watching over me, guiding me, protecting me, and prospering me. 

The third verse studied in the last 7 days was Lamentations 3:22-23. As I studied these verses tied together, or revealed so many things to me in succession that encouraged me. Here the Love and Mercy of the LORD God is revealed as new every morning. Even if I really messed up yesterday, God's Love and Mercy is shining on me like a the warm sun. His Love and Mercy are washing over me like a gentle still water. This encourages me to know how great His Love and Mercy are for us. Also, when I have good things in my life His Love is made evident, and I should praise Him in these successes. I should not praise me, or pat myself on the back. I should thank the LORD God and Jesus Christ and remember He is with me and was my strong tower and blessing in my success.

The next verse we studied was Proverbs 18:10. I learned here to see that it says the name of the LORD. This is interesting and I admit I need to study this more. I guess I can relate it to New Testament when people cast out evil in Jesus Christ name. The name of Jesus is powerful against evil, and the name of the LORD is, as we see here. I learned that when we run to the LORD God we are running to the safe place. It is good for us to go to God, because he is The Strong Tower, The Safe Place for us. We learn that we are seen as righteous because we do this.

The last verse we covered over the last 7 days is Psalm 23:4.  I learned and was renewed in knowing that not only is God with me, He is with me. I am reminded in studying these verses together He is with me, He is in me, and I am in Him, the LORD God. I learned his rod is protecting me, and his staff is guiding me. I am not alone, even when facing some very difficult, I am in the LORD; and He in his Majesty and with His Saints, His Angels, and His Believers; is protecting and guiding me. I am thankful to know God is with me in the hard things, and also to realize He is with me in the good things. I guess he rejoices with me (with us) in our joy and successes.

Overall I saw many new things during this study, and was renewed in many things. As you can see in the things I have talked about in each verse, these were the things that most stood out to me during these studies. For the most part these are new things to me. I am being renewed in these verses, and also many new things have been revealed. Like looking closely and seeing the word in means He is in me, in my spirit, my mind and is watching over me. Things like this encourage me and bring me joy. I hope that you have learned these things, and I hope God has revealed things to you during these studies. If you would like to share anything you have learned or just correspond about these studies, you may Comment below each study post. Also, You can Subscribe to this Blog and/or Follow this Blog to stay up to date when a new post is added, and learn of new things as I can send them to you

Thank you Almighty God for giving me these renewing and refreshing scriptures of your Word to us. I thank you for all of the new things you are teaching me and us, and I am thankful that I am again in your Word and seeing things that have comforted me and encouraged me so many years of my blessed time knowing of You. I pray for these that study these scriptures with me, I pray for everyone. I pray that You, knowing our good and bad, will remind us You are here to Love us and give us Mercy. You are here to guide us and protect us. You are here to rejoice with, and always with us and in us. Thank you for all that you do. I pray You will know we love you and praise you Father God. Thank you for this day, and Thank you for your love. Shalom Brothers and Sisters in our Father God and Jesus Christ.
