Daily Bible Study - #2 - Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD


Trust in the Lord with all your heart

And do not lean on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5 NASB


Today is an easy, or so I think as I begin this study, verse.  On the surface and as I normally read things this is an easy verse. It is easy to read, easy to understand, no words I really need to define or refresh my understanding of.  Yet, since this section of the study is Observation and not just 'read the verse' I will go more in depth.  It starts out with the statement 'Trust in the LORD'. This is easy right. I say I trust in the LORD.  I do trust in the LORD. I trust in the LORD so much that I sometimes forget the LORD God and take it for granted or simply forget to take the time or spend the time with the LORD God Yahweh.  I forget to depend on the thing that is so central to me and my success at life and daily matters. So I think it is easy to fly past this without giving it the proper respect and importance that it is to 'Trust in the LORD'. 

I also want to point out that it says in this Word to 'Trust in the LORD'.  That 'in' part is important in closer observation because we are 'in' the LORD and He is in us. Remember He is with us wherever we are (from yesterdays study of Joshua 1:9).  So, we should have the sense of this that He is with us, in us and we know this also from later study in the New Testament with the arrival officially of the Holy Spirit that in that New Testament, in my opinion, not only gives us confirmation that God is with us, but it gives us the Holy Spirit as a collective connection to God, the goodness of God, and a connection to other believers, spiritually.  So, the main thing here is to connect the He is 'in' us to the He is with us, and we trust 'in' the LORD.  Some will try to give you guilt or grief to make you think that you must seek God in every thing, meaning some make it seem that you must seek God even to take each step as you walk.  I do believe part of the Trust in the LORD is that you do not have to go to God with everything, because you do trust Him that He is there and guiding you gracefully.  Although, I do want to point out that there are some times literally and figuratively that you will Trust in the LORD even for each step.  Let's say your running a distance run that is new to you. Let's just say the run is 5 miles long.  That 5th mile you may literally be asking God to be with you almost every step. So for now, I think it is important for us to remember to Trust in the LORD, because He is in us and with us everywhere we go.  Since this is so long, I will continue this study in additional days. I honestly did not know such a seemingly easy verse would produce so much.  to be continued...

To apply "Trust in the LORD" think about when you are trusting God in your life and when you are not.  I have found I trust in the LORD for the hard stuff.  I may say God help me pay this bill, or God help me accomplish this goal, etc.  I almost never, until I started this study ask God or thought about God when I was doing something, let's just say I was doing something maybe I should not be doing - or something I have some personal guilt, learned guilt, or taboo about. So, we do have to remember from Joshua 1:9 that God is with us wherever we are and wherever we go.  We can trust in His Love to be with us in both instances, in this I believe.

Thank you Father God for this day and this time with you and those that read this to study Your Word and understand You and myself. I pray you will bless us with more of a sense of You in our lives and enhance our understanding and feeling of You in our lives. I pray that we will be Be Strong, Be Courageous and Not be Frightened, Not be Dismayed (or lose courage, or be surprised or alarmed). I pray that we will trust (in) You (and remember, over and over again, that You are with us wherever we are. Thank You Father God.  Shalom, brothers and sisters in the LORD.

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