Daily Bible Study - #12 - Psalm 119:115 - I May Keep the Commandments


Depart from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commandments of my God. Psalm 119: 115
Today's verse shows us how to stay in the LORD God when others and other things try to distract us. It is a way to speak to those that are giving you trouble and invoke the name of the LORD to show that His name is a strong tower, and we are safe in it. The verse says "Depart from me, you evildoers..." We are to tell them to leave us, so that we can stay in God. The second part "that I may keep the commandments of my God". This tells me that we are to stay away from those that are doing bad things, so that we can remain close to God. Remember this, we can be strong and courageous, we can stand up, just like this, to evil - and have victory in God.

We can apply this to our lives when people around us are not doing good. We can quote this verse, Depart from me, you evildoers, that I may keep the commandments of my God. This is a strong verse that will drive away evil. We can apply it literally like that, and we can also meditate and store this word in our heart so that we will have it when we need it.

Thank you Father God for this day. Thank you for this Word of Yours that keeps us focused on You, and give us a way to drive away bad from our lives. I pray that You will remind us of this Word when we are faced with trouble. I pray that you will heal us, protect us, guide us, and prosper. I ask these things in Jesus Christ. Shalom brothers and sisters in God and Jesus Christ.

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